Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fast Ride

I rode hard; I rode fast; I rode a long way, 462 miles in seven and a half hours. That is better than 60 mph including gas stops and lunch. I got to Evansville, Indiana. I was a bit aggressive, angry, but controlled, and that made me push hard. The impressive part is that the bike still got 49 mpg. Tim Wolfe in Lawrence knows his stuff. That leaves 677 miles to get home. If I can get a good distance in tomorrow, I should be home Monday. Tomorrow's weather is questionable. So, we shall see.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made good time. Add a top-notch Honda cycle mechanic to Lawrence's list of attractions!


Derek said...

We'll be watching the weather and keeping our fingers crossed! Hiope you don't have to dodge in and out of storms on the way home!

Derek said...

You know, with all this riding you are in danger of losing your nickname as 'The Boy Who Drives The Car"...